Tag Archives: howto

Targeting a Project in a Solution Folder in MSBuild

Normally, when you invoke the MSBuild task to build a solution file, you can just add TARGETS=”ProjectName”, where ProjectName is just the name of the project, and don’t include the .csproj extension.

I already knew that if your project name includes a period, you need to replace that with an underscore (so the project “MySite.Web” becomes “MySite_Web”).

But the UnitTests project kept coming up as not a known build target name.

Finally, I found my answer in a comment in the answer to “specify project file of a solution using msbuild” on Stack Overflow.

Turns out that when a project appears in a solution folder (as opposed to just being in a directory), you need to include the name of the solution folder, and a backslash. So since the UnitTests project is in the UnitTests solution folder, the MSBuild invocation ends up looking like this:

    Properties="Configuration=Release; Platform=Any CPU; OutDir=$(OutputFolder)Assemblies\; WarningLevel=0;" 
    Targets="UnitTests\UnitTests" />

Finding Your Router’s Public IP Address

It’s easy enough to find your home router’s public facing IP address (the one your ISP assigns) via a Google search; they even make it the first result on the page. But what if you want to find it via a script?

That’s the challenge I’m trying to solve. What’s more, I want to do this without calling something on an external service. I’ll only be looking it up once every five minutes or so, but I’d prefer to not be a nuisance. (And if something goes wrong and my script runs in a tight loop, I’d rather not have the polling hammer someone else’s server.)

I found a script on the Linux & Things blog which almost does what I want. That script doesn’t quite work for me though, my route command doesn’t flag the default gateway.

But that’s OK, the bulk of what that script does is to look up the local network’s name for the router. That’s a nice bit of robustness, just in case the router’s name does change for some reason (e.g. switching from Fios to Comcast, you’d get a new router and the new router would likely have a different default name). But for my purposes, it’s good enough to know that the router’s name is always going to be Fred. (No, not really, that would be silly. My router’s real name is Ethel.)

So from a bash prompt, we end up with this snippet of code:

external_address=$(nslookup Fred.home | grep Address | tail -1 | awk ‘{print $2}’)

That one-liner really breaks down to five parts.

nslookup Fred.home looks up Fred’s entry in the local DNS. What I get is something similar to:


Name: Fred.home
Name: Fred.home

Now none of that’s my real network information, but what we’re after is that last “Address” line.

Piping the output of nslookup through grep Address throws away every line which doesn’t contain the word “Address”, leaving this:


Getting closer, next, it gets piped through tail -1 which grabs just the last line:


Excellent! That’s almost what we want.

The next step in the chain is to run it through awk '{print $2}' which uses the AWK tool to output just the second token in the stream.

Finally, the entire thing is wrapped in the $() operator, which captures the output of those four steps and allows us to assign them to the


variable, which allows the external address to be used elsewhere:

external_address=$(nslookup Fred.home | grep Address | tail -1 | awk ‘{print $2}’)
echo $external_address

This (obviously) runs at a bash prompt. I’ve tried it out on Ubuntu and the Windows Subsystem for Linux, though I can’t imagine it wouldn’t work on other distributions as well. Most of the magic in this is text parsing. The Windows version of nslookup provides similar output, just formatted differently; there’s no reason a PowerShell script couldn’t do some similar processing to find the address.

Docker Tips

I’ve been working with Docker the past few months and all-in-all, I’ve been very pleased with the quality of the documentation. But, as with any other tool, there are always a few tricks to pick up, particularly when trying to script things out for an automated build or deployment. I’ve listed some of the more useful ones below and will update this post as I learn new ones.

Note: These are mainly oriented around running Docker in a Linux environment, as that’s where I’m currently using it.

How do I stop typing sudo all the time?

Docker runs as root, so when you’re working with an out-of-the-box installation, the docker command must be preceded by sudo. Since it may not be desirable for all Docker users to be able to execute commands as root, the installation creates a docker group. Members of the group may execute docker commands without elevated privileges.

To add users to the group, execute the command:
sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

How do I remove all stopped containers?

When a container is stopped, it remains loaded. You can remove it by issuing the command docker rm container_name, but that can be a hassle if you have a large number of containers loaded and they all have random names (a frequent occurrence when you’re first learning Docker).

You can remove all stopped containers by executing the command:
docker rm $(docker ps --quiet -a --filter status=exited)

(The –filter option prevents errors from attempting to remove containers which are currently running.)

You can also cause your containers to remove themselves automatically by including the –rm option on the docker run command line.

How do I know if a container is running?

To determine if a named container (e.g. “clever_leakey”) is currently running

containerID=$(docker ps --quiet --filter status=running --filter name=clever_leakey)

if $containerID is non-null, the named container is running. If it’s null, then the container is no longer running.

Do note however that there are other non-running states, e.g. paused, which will also return a null containerID for this test. As an alternative, to find only the containers which are stopped, use status=exited.

If the docker run command includes the –rm option, the container will be removed from memory.

(Image via openclipart under Creative Commans CC0 1.0 Universal)

Stopping Credit Card Offers

It seems like the mail includes a good number of credit card offers. Various companies seem to send offers for their special Visa or Mastercard affinity programs almost daily. It only takes a moment to run them through the shredder, and the fees for sending them help keep the lights on at the Post Office. Besides, figuring out how to stop them takes too long, right?

But Thursday’s daily email included something special! A credit card offer with the magic phrase, “You can choose to stop receiving “prescreened” offers of credit from this and other companies by calling toll-free 1-888-567-8688.” Now I’m suspicious of pretty much any offer that comes in as a spam email (These turkeys weren’t even supporting the Post Office!) but a Google search is pretty painless.

The second result was the US Federal Trade Commission’s “Prescreened Credit and Insurance Offers” page. So what do you know? That phone number’s legit.

So it turns out there are actually three options:

  1. Call 888-567-8688 and you can stop (most) credit card offers for five years.
  2. You can also stop (most) credit card offers by visiting https://www.optoutprescreen.com/, clicking the “Click Here to Opt-In or Opt-Out” button.
  3. Or you can go for the gold by visiting that same link, printing out the form at the end, and mailing it to
    Opt­Out Department
    P.O. Box 2033
    Rock Island, IL 61204­-2033


Total time spent: less than five minutes.

(Image via pixabay)

How To Leave a Facebook Group Message

A friend mistakenly started a massive (50? 100?) group message on Facebook. After the initial admission of “I created this by mistake,’ people started replying (to all) that they would like to be removed (which is something you have to do yourself) and others began asking, “How do you do leave a group message?”

Below are the steps for doing this from the full version of the Facebook website. The mobile site doesn’t seem to offer this functionality and while this can probably be done from the mobile app, I don’t use it so can’t provide much guidance.

  • Click on “Messages” on the left hand side.
  • Click on the message you want to leave.
  • At the top of the screen, there’s a box labeled “+ New Message.”
  • Next to that, there’s a smaller box with what looks like either a gear or a sunburst. Click that.
  • A list of options will appear.
  • Click “Leave Conversation.”
  • Confirm that you want to leave.

Installing Ubuntu without pae

From the land of “things I might want to refer to later….”

My old Dell Inspiron works fine except for a missing ‘R’ key. Windows XP is showing more signs of age than the notebook, so time to put another OS on it.

I’ve been using Ubuntu in such situations, but my attempts at installing both 12.04> and Lubuntu (lightweight Ubuntu) have both ended with a message about the hardware not supporting the required pae extensions.

Physical Address Extension (aka pae) is an Intel technology which allows a 32-bit operating system to access more than 4 GB of RAM. (A quick read suggests it essentially hands each application a 4 GB chunk of memory, similar to how programs on the 80286 and earlier chips were able to address more than 64 KB at a time by combining a 16-bit memory address with a 16-bit segment address — and by revealing that I know about this, I’ve probably dated myself quite handily.)

Another quick search on Google turned up a relevant pair of AskUbuntu Questions describing how to install a non-PAE version.

In a nutshell:

  • Download the non-pae netboot image mini.iso. This is a bare-bones installer which downloads the selected packages during the installation process. (Obviously, this requires a broadband connection.)
  • Burn the image onto a CD* and boot the computer from that.
  • Accept the default values for most of the prompts. You’ll need to supply a userid and password. My experience is that it’s faster to select the keyboard layout from a list then to go through the prompts for “detection.” (Faster for a standard US keyboard anyhow; your mileage may vary.)
  • At the final screen, when prompted for packages to install, be certain to select a desktop (e.g. Ubuntu Desktop) unless you plan to do everything from the command line.

* The Inspiron’s CD drive is getting old and unreliable, using UNetbootin to make a bootable thumb drive worked perfectly.