One of my peeves with Windows 10 is occasionally I’ll get a screen saying “Let’s finish setting up your device.” (Uh, I finished setting it up a couple years ago, why do you keep suggesting this?)
This evening, I spotted a post on Twitter from @MrTurner asking how to get rid of that prompt. Great question! And there was an equally awesome reply from @Lucas_Trz with the answer.
So, just in case that isn’t clear enough.
- Go into settings (click the Start button, and then the “gear” icon), clickÂ
- Click “System”
- Click “Notifications & actions”
- Uncheck the box next to the text that starts off with “Show me the Windows welcome experience after updates and occasionally” (I’d like to suggest you might want to uncheck a few other things as well.)

Going forward, this is on my list of things I’ll do any time I reinstall Windows. Right next to turning off the feedback surveys.
Cover image by twitter user @MrTurnerj, used in the context of a critique of Windows.